03 菲律宾beplaySEAFDEC / AQD外部出版物 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3572. 星期二,2011年7月13日08:55:26 GMT 2021-07-13T08:55:26Z 礁石上鲍鱼卤虫鲸岛的苗圃和成长培养物:使用不同培养容器的生长和存活的比较 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/6060 礁坪上鲍鱼的苗圃和生长培养:使用不同培养容器的生长和存活的比较。Junemie榛子;Mediavilla,乔纳斯p;索利斯,艾伦福罗;Sibonga瑞玛;阿利坎特;Dionela, Cleresa S.进行了这项研究,比较了四种不同的培养容器[网箱,回收油容器,托盘(对照)和管]在苗圃和生长培养鲍鲍在礁平面。幼儿园文化,早期青少年鲍鱼意味着shell (SL)长度为1.30±0.006厘米,平均体重(BW) 0.45±0.007 g储存在容器在印第安纳州100−2和长大,直到他们达到所需的3厘米SL大小出文化在三四个文化的容器。出文化,少年鲍鱼是从幼儿园文化与平均3.23±0.018厘米的SL和平均BW 7.33±0.131 g储存在容器在50州的m−2长大,直到他们收获的5厘米SL鸡尾酒在三四个文化的容器大小。在回收容器、托盘和试管中培养90 d时,SL的生长尺寸为3cm,在180 DOC时,SL的鸡尾酒尺寸为5cm。 Abalone reared in tubes had the highest mean SL after 90 DOC in nursery culture (3.21 cm), while those in trays after 180 DOC in grow-out culture (5.30 cm). However, at the end of the nursery and grow-out culture, there were no significant differences in mean SL among the abalone reared in these three culture containers. In both culture phases, abalone reared in cages had the lowest mean SL, 2.88 and 4.44 cm, respectively. Survival was highest in trays (98.64%) during nursery culture and in tubes (96.57%) during grow-out culture. With comparable results in recycled containers, trays, and tubes for both growth and survival at the nursery and grow-out phases, tubes are recommended for use when culture is to be done on reef flats. Tubes are the most stable and durable among the four culture containers tested. They can withstand strong winds and waves and may be reused for several culture runs. 太阳,01年8月20日00:00:00 GMT http://hdl.handle.net/10862/6060 2021-08-01T00:00:00Z 在幼虫发育期间,孵化器饲养橙色斑点兔虾(BLOCH 1787)的碘化物和甲状腺激素水平的变化 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/6038. 在早期幼虫发育Cabanilla-Legaspi,MA期间,孵化器饲养的橙色斑点兔鱼Siganus Guttatus(Bloch 1787)的碘化物和甲状腺激素水平的变化。艾琳c .;Traifalgar,Rex Ferdinand;De Jesus-Ayson,Evelyn Grace;andrino-felarca,Karen Grace S;Mamauag,Roger Edward本文阐明了孵化器饲养的兔鱼(Siganus Guttatus)中的碘化物和甲状腺激素,甲状腺素(T 4 )和三碘甲蛋白(T 3 )的发育型材在幼虫发育期间。该研究评估了孵化(DAH)之后的0,10,20,30,40和50天兔幼虫碘化物,T 4 / sub>和T 3 组织含量的水平(DAH)。在正常的饲养条件下,碘化物(11.98±4.3 nmol g -1 )和甲状腺激素(t 4 :0.09±0.01 nmol g -1 ;从新阴影幼虫人已经检测到0.01±8.5E-05 nmol g -1 -1 / sup>,它们的存在归因于母体起源。碘水平急剧达到尖锐 at 10 DAH (1416.43 ± 149.6 nmol g−1) which is significantly higher compared to the iodide levels in the larvae at 20, 30, 40 and 50 DAH. The levels of THs gradually increased as the larvae developed with T4 (0.96 ± 0.05 nmol g−1) and T3 (0.03 ± 0.004 nmol g−1) exhibiting a peak on 20 and 30 DAH, respectively, which coincided with the onset of metamorphosis. Thyroid hormone levels gradually decreased which coincided also with the completion of metamorphosis. The present findings indicated a pattern of the rise and fall in iodide and thyroid hormone levels during larval development and its role in metamorphosis of rabbitfish larvae. The study has reported for the first time, the changes in iodide and thyroid hormone levels during the early developmental stage in hatchery-reared rabbitfish and the results are in agreement with those vital actions of thyroid hormones in other fish species. 星期四,01年7月2021 00:00:00 GMT http://hdl.handle.net/10862/6038. 2021-07-01T00:00:00Z 菲律宾伊洛伊洛大学生在COVID-19大流行中的信息寻求行为及知识、预防和恐惧水平 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/6071 菲律宾在Covid-19大流行超级,达里尔,寻求信息行为和知识,预防措施和大学生的恐惧和恐惧。安德森,克里斯汀;Oducado,Ryan Michael;Luceño,myrna;Palcullo,文斯;Bendalian,Maria Vanessa Covid-19大流行是在全世界公民的健康,社会和经济福祉。发病率和死亡率的高率和缺乏疫苗导致人民之间的恐惧,无论年龄,性别或社会地位。人们的恐惧通过误导跨越所有媒体类型,尤其是在社交媒体上的误导。菲律宾大学生是全球互联网用户之一,在社交媒体中非常活跃。因此,他们非常容易发生错误。 This paper aims to ascertain the levels of knowledge, precaution, and fear of COVID-19 of the college students in Iloilo, Philippines, and determine the effects of their information-seeking behavior on the variables above. This paper is a cross-sectional survey that used a qualitative-quantitative method and snowball sampling technique. Data were gathered among 228 college students using an online survey instrument a few months after the pandemic began. College students were knowledgeable of the basic facts about the highly infectious COVID-19. However, the majority were inclined to believe the myths and misinformation regarding the pandemic. Television was the primary, most believable, and preferred source when seeking information. The Internet as a preferred source of information was significantly associated with a high level of knowledge. In contrast, the information sourced from interpersonal channels were found to make college students very cautious. The local presence of COVID-19 cases had caused college students to fear, likely exacerbated by the plethora of information about the pandemic, mostly from Facebook. This is the first study conducted on the effects of the information-seeking behavior on the levels of knowledge, precaution, and fear of COVID-19 of the college students in Iloilo, Philippines. 格林威治时间2021年6月24日星期四00:00:00 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/6071 2021-06-24T00:00:00Z 使用悬浮从筏子悬浮的小袋在成长培养中制作年轻,单身和牡蛎咖啡师伊雷德尔(Faustino,1932) http://hdl.handle.net/10862/6067. 用从Lebata-Ramos, Ma的筏子上悬挂的育苗袋培育出年轻的、单一的、多肉的牡蛎Crassostrea iredalei (Faustino, 1932)。Junemie榛子;Dionela Cleresa s;Schedar Rose M. Novilla;Sibonga瑞玛;Solis, Ellen Flor D.;Mediavilla, Jonas P.比较了使用传统(轮胎和牡蛎壳)和新方法(袋和托盘)悬挂在漂浮筏上的拖鞋牡蛎的生长和存活情况。六个月后长出来的文化,指的是外壳长度(mm SL)和体重(BW)牡蛎明显在那些饲养最高袋(89.32±0.41毫米SL, 87.70±0.70 g BW),其次是托盘(83.16±0.31毫米SL, 87.06±0.72 g BW),然后这些收获牡蛎壳(76.42±0.88毫米SL, 67.35±1.03 g BW),轮胎(72.30±1.21 mm SL, 55.07±1.49 g BW)。在袋饲养的牡蛎(6.05±1.28 mm mo−1, 10.98±2.05 g mo−1)和托盘饲养的牡蛎(5.01±1.46 mm mo−1, 10.77±2.58 g mo−1)中,长度和重量的增长率几乎相同。 Although 60.7% of the oysters harvested from pouches (n = 1071) were classified as large (85–100 mm SL) and jumbo (100–120 mm SL) and only 39.5% of those from trays (n = 1048), their meat yield did not significantly differ (pouches = 22.60 ± 0.86%; trays = 24.76 ± 0.93%). Survival in pouches (95.2 ± 0.77%) and trays (93.15 ± 2.10%) was almost parallel at harvest. Growing oysters using the new methods produced single, larger, meatier oysters of almost the same size at a shorter culture duration. Online version of record before inclusion in an issue. 星期五,11月2021日00:00:00 GMT http://hdl.handle.net/10862/6067. 2021-06-11T00:00:00Z