书籍和书籍章节 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3356. 星期二,20月20日10:49:06 GMT 2021-07-20t10:49:06z 聚β-羟基丁酸酯(PHB)和养殖水生动物的感染减少 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3426 聚β-羟基丁酸(PHB)和养殖水产动物Laranja,Joseph Leopoldo Q的感染还原;Bossier,Peter Goldfine,Howard在寻找有效和可持续的策略方面对养殖动物的疾病进行了不断的努力,近年来,将细菌储存复合聚乙烯丁酸(PHB)的应用被鉴定为新疾病水产养殖的控制剂。基于该生物聚合物可以降解到短链脂肪酸(SCFA)中的知识,构思使用PHB作为生物酮化剂的想法,并且SCFA是具有抗微生物性质的已知化合物。在本章初,提出了关于PHB颗粒的概要,其检测,定量,生产和微生物中的恢复。主要主题侧重于PHB在养殖水生动物中的应用和有益效果。讨论了PHB为主机提供有益效果的机制。 星期二,2019年1月01日00:00:00 GMT http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3426 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z 夜光的颤音和虎皮虾的绿水文化与罗非鱼 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3228 发光的振动和虎皮虾Penaeus Monodon的绿水文化,吉尔达D. Perschbacher,Peter W .;Stickney,Robert R.发光振动率是Penaeid虾幼虫和青少年的毁灭性感染,导致重度死亡。为了对抗细菌病原体,菲律宾的虾农,菲律宾的虾农民修改了黑虎虾,Penaeus·莫登,青少年的种植培养方法,并开发了绿水培养技术。这种培养方法涉及使用全雄性,盐水耐受性的池塘水作为池塘培养的养殖水。发现这种改性培养物的p. monodon幼稚植物有效地防止了发光振荡发作。基础研究表明,罗非鱼水,真菌和微藻菌群中固有的抗闪光振动因子是罗非鱼水,真皮粘液和肠道的植物,单独或共同抑制V.Rvveyi的生长,体外。皮肤粘液研究其他盐水鱼类的研究表明,SIGANIDS,SIGANUS GUTTATUS和RED Hybrid Tilapia(Oreochromis Niloticus×Oreoochromis Mossambicus)以及Sea Bass Lates Calcarifer,是这种新的虾类培养方法的替代鱼类。同样,对坦克和池塘池塘模拟研究的综述确认了这些发现和绿水文化技术对水质的影响,包括其对农民的经济效益。虾的绿水培养物可以通过抑制发光弧形来维持虾青少年的成功生产。该培养方法目前也用于白色虾的生长培养,Litopenaeus Vannamei。 太阳,2017年1月1日00:00:00 GMT http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3228 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z Kappaphycus和Eucheuma的微繁殖:趋势和前景 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3522. Kappaphycus和Eucheuma的微繁殖:趋势和前景Reddy,C. R.K。;尤科亚,奈良。勇,威尔逊·泰美;卢邦,玛丽亚罗维拉J。Hurtado,Anicia Q. Hurtado,Anicia Q。克里德利,艾伦T。Neish,Iain C.在红藻类中,Kappaphycus和Eucheuma是在东南亚国家广泛养殖的两个最重要的鹿角蛋白癣菌;它们在生产的原材料量方面排名在生产中。鹿角胶质细胞的农业已成为一个成功的企业,并为许多国家的低收入,沿海社区提供了有希望的替代生计选择。2014年,万红岛源细胞生产在全球范围内,超越了其他红海藻,并被放置在生产排名的顶部,湿重1099万吨(养殖红海藻总产量的77%)和印度尼西亚成为主要生产商。 However, over time, the productivity of the crop (carrageenophytes) has declined in some regions due to sourcing of seedlings from single, selected genetic stocks considered to have higher yield potential which resulted in strain fatigue, or loss of vigour. The incidences of disease and epiphytic infestations are on rise in recent times which have severely affected biomass production, as well as the yield and product quality (carrageenan). In order to circumvent the crop productivity issues arising from clonal propagation, the raising of planting materials from spores, derived through the red algal sexual reproductive cycle, has been initiated to support the sustainability of selected, farmed carrageenophytes. Alternatively, in vitro tissue culture techniques have also been explored to not only rejuvenate the vigour of seedlings (i.e. the out-planting material) but also to seek seedlings resilient to stress, disease and epiphytes to act as an invigorated mother stock. These efforts have succeeded to a great extent in the development of appropriate techniques for explant culture, callus induction, callus sub-culture and regeneration to micro-propagules with improved traits. The present chapter briefly summarizes the developments and success achieved in micro-propagation of Kappaphycus and Eucheuma and also provides pointers to both gaps and priority areas for future research required for the advancement of sustainable farming of these carrageenophytes. 太阳,2017年1月1日00:00:00 GMT http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3522. 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z 甘蓝醛酸是珊瑚礁鱼类的主要脂肪酸,并改善了兔鱼Sigunus Gutattus的幼虫存活 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3103 阿拉契酸是珊瑚礁鱼类的主要脂肪酸,并改善了兔鱼Sigunus Gutattus Suloma,Ashraf的幼虫存活;查韦斯,丹尼河;Garibay,Esteban S。富特拉,亨罗维姆;Ogata,Hiroshi Y. Ortiz,Stewart L.珊瑚礁鱼类供水养殖的供应导致他们的自然股市恶化,导致公众关注。通过一系列关于建立珊瑚礁鱼类人工油炸生产技术的研究,我们发现卵巢,睾丸,鸡蛋和珊瑚礁鱼的煎炸具有高或中间水平的花生酸(ARA),这是一种相对较小的温带和冷水物种的组分。在选定的珊瑚礁的Gonadal极性脂质中,特别是过度的鱼类(19种),ARA,eicosapentaeno酸(EPA)和十二年六烯酸(DHA)水平的范围从6.0%到19.4%,从0.9%到6.2%,分别为7.9%至27.8%。值得注意的是,所有珊瑚礁鱼类流量的极性脂质的主要高饱和脂肪酸(HUFA)是DHA和ARA(不是EPA),其比例为约2:1。 This result allowed us to speculate that not only DHA but also ArA may be nutritionally much important for egg development and larval growth in coral reef fishes. Thus, feeding trials were conducted to investigate the effects of dietary ArA supplementation on reproductive performance of coral reef rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) broodstock. The number of spawning and the number of hatched larvae tended to be better in broodstock fed diets with ArA than in those fed a diet without ArA. Next, larval rearing tests were conducted to investigate survival and growth in rabbitfish fry fed live rotifers which had been enriched with or without ArA. Fry fed the rotifers enriched with a combination of DHA Protein Selco (Inve Aquaculture, Baasrode, Belgium) + 5% ArA (VEVODAR CRUDE ARACHIDONIC OIL, DSM Food Specialties, Delft, the Netherlands) showed significantly the best survival (44.4 ± 4.5% for Day 17 fry), although growth was not different among treatments. The present study indicates that ArA is not a minor component in coral reef fishes, and that dietary ArA is very promising for the improvement of fry production technologies of the coral reef fishes. 星期五,01年1月1日2016 00:00:00 GMT http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3103 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z