面向2020年的东南亚粮食安全的可持续水产养殖发展 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/1818 东南亚可持续水产养殖发展的区域技术磋商会员于2010年3月17日至19日在曼谷,泰国举行的2020年 2021年7月13日星期二06:02:36 GMT 2021 - 07 - 13 - t06:02:36z 面向2020年的东南亚粮食安全的可持续水产养殖发展 //www.pmendonca.com:443/bitstream/id/f5061d46-2b43-4c6c-88ff-b89ef52eb599/http://hdl.handle.net/10862/1818 健康健康的水产养殖。 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/1820 健康健康的水产养殖。Lavilla-Pitogo,西莉亚r;Catacutan美r;阿马尔,埃德加·c·阿科斯塔,贝伦·o;Coloso Relicardo m;de Jesus-Ayson, Evelyn Grace T.;健康和健康水产养殖作为可持续食用鱼类生产的一种整体方法的概念,自从近10年前在类似的海洋渔业资源委员会论坛上讨论以来,已经变得更加重要。以对环境影响最小的方式优化各种生产系统的产量的类似概念包括最佳管理和良好水产养殖做法。2001年第一次鱼类为人民服务会议期间确定的疾病控制、食品安全和环境完整性这三个优先领域指导了过去十年的研究和发展战略。然而,水产养殖的动态性质也为引入主要物种铺平了道路,从而彻底改变了区域生产情况。 An important component of effective disease prevention and control is the development of diagnostic techniques. In response to recommendations made in 200I during the first Fish for the People Conference, diagnostic procedures have been harmonized, classified according to levels of complexity, and a few have been translated into techniques for pond-side application. Disease surveillance and reporting have been enhanced in most countries and the awareness about transboundary diseases has been heightened. The region, however, still has a lot to learn about bringing in new and exotic species and their accompanying threat of disease introduction. The past decade has seen the replacement of Penaeus monodon by P. vannamei as the major shrimp species in culture that has resulted in the introduction of major viral diseases like infectious myonecrosis virus (lMNV) and taura syndrome virus (TSV). The first outbreak of koi herpes virus (KHV) occurred in Indonesia in 2002 and Japan in 2003, and the disease continues to affect the koi and common carp industry in some countries in Asia (Lavilla-Pitogo & Nagasawa 2004). Various parasites have become major threats to sustainable marine fish production. Thus, controlling the spread of important pathogens through the introduction of exotic fish species, or the transfer of infected fish to another facility or to wild habitat remains a major problem. The development of specific-pathogen-free stocks and the corresponding implementation of biosecurity measures are the most significant advancements to control viral diseases each a prerequisite of the other to guarantee successful production. The vastness of land-based aquaculture systems, however, makes the cost of implementing biosecurity prohibitive, thus, there remains the need for additional health implements to boost fish health like vaccines, immunostimulants, probiotics, chemotherapeutics and disinfectants. Although major research efforts have been devoted to develop such products, satisfactory field test results are wanting for most of them. The issue on unwanted residues in marketable fish products and the fate of antimicrobials and chemicals in the environment are the major deterrents for their widespread application in aquaculture. Furthermore, the lack of fish health professionals that are qualified to prescribe drugs and chemotherapeutants in aquaculture is an issue that needs urgent action in the region. The clamor for aquaculture to reduce its dependence on fish meal as the source of protein in artificial feeds has led to numerous studies about fishmeal substitutes. The search for suitable alternative fish feed ingredients may now require a combination of biochemical engineering and manufacturing to enhance the nutritional composition of non-traditional protein sources. Fishmeal substitutes and other feed ingredients that will not compromise fish health and drastically alter carcass composition needs to be developed. Since proper feed management is a key component for farm profitability and sustainability as well as in the reduction of environmental pollution, extension and technology transfer should continue so that various stakeholders will be informed of their responsibility. Efforts to improve fish feed development should continue keeping in mind that feed is a key determinant of fish health. For aquaculture to meet the target production to supply the protein requirements of a burgeoning global population, production systems should further emphasize the key components of keeping diseases under control, producing fish that pass food safety standards, and maintaining the integrity of the culture system and its environment. In various countries, supportive efforts are in the form of certification, accreditation and compliance of aquaculture facilities with standards. However, aquaculture, being a relatively new sector in the food production industry, needs to harmonize its efforts with other common resource users. 星期六,2011年1月1日00:00:00 GMT http://hdl.handle.net/10862/1820 2011 - 01 - 01 - t00:00:00z 2010年及以后:为亚洲可持续水产品生产提供更好的种子。 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/1819 2010年及以后:为亚洲可持续水产品生产提供更好的种子。Romana-Eguia, Maria Rowena r;de Jesus-Ayson, Evelyn Grace T. Acosta, Belen O.;Coloso Relicardo m;de Jesus-Ayson, Evelyn Grace T.;亚洲是世界水产养殖生产的主要贡献者。大多数亚洲国家为重要的商业水产养殖品种开发了精进技术,并提高了人们对使用质量种子(基因改良或其他)的价值的认识,从而保持了它们在十大水产食品生产国中的排名。优质种子只是指适合、干净、大小均匀的种子,可以是卵、鱼苗、小鱼、幼鱼和/或幼苗(海藻),在培养过程中表现出良好的性能属性。有益性状指的是良好的颜色、形状、生长、高效的饲料转化率、高繁殖能力、在暴露于应激源(如疾病、恶劣和/或极端环境条件)时的耐受性和存活率。这些性状大多是可遗传的,因此,优质种子通常被认为是由被认为或被证明在基因上优越的交配母株产生的。 Some bloodstocks may be genetically mediocre but if bred and manage properly through efficient farm protocols (suitable hatchery, nursery feeding and water management methods), may also produce good quality seeds. Success in the sustainable production of aquatic species for human consumption depends primarily on the availability of seedstock and adoption of optimal husbandry techniques among others. With the intensification of aquaculture systems and the environmental challenges such as those resulting from climate change, it is wise to continue considering both factors -- genetic quality and culture management as equally important in ensuring a steady production of good quality seeds and later, marketable products from aquaculture. Views on what, how and why better quality aquaculture seeds should be produced evolve as times change. To understand these concerns, this paper will cover: (a) the present state of fish seed production in Asia, (b) recent and current seedstock production issues that require attention, and (c) recommendations on how to further enhance aquaculture production in the region in the next decade through better quality seedstock. 星期六,2011年1月1日00:00:00 GMT http://hdl.handle.net/10862/1819 2011 - 01 - 01 - t00:00:00z 应对东南亚水产养殖的社会和经济挑战。 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/1822. 应对东南亚水产养殖的社会和经济挑战。Tokrisna, Ruangrai Acosta, Belen o;Coloso Relicardo m;de Jesus-Ayson, Evelyn Grace T.;水产养殖是鱼类蛋白质的重要来源。在东南亚,水产养殖的发展既可以为当地的饮食,也可以为外汇收入。生产系统可以是小规模的,也可以是商业化的。与水产养殖发展有关的社会和经济问题是对自然物理和生物条件、人为物理条件、收入、就业、粮食和人力资源的影响(积极和消极的)。东南亚水产养殖发展面临的社会和经济挑战包括维持可持续水产养殖的自然资源和环境条件;考虑到外部因素和环境影响管理的成本,提高农场一级的“清洁”生产力; meeting the requirements of domestic and international market for aquaculture produce and products; non-tariff measures in international trade of aquatic products; adopting aquaculture certification scheme; understanding the linkages among production, marketing and trade; and strengthening the capacity of small-scale fish farmers. 星期六,2011年1月1日00:00:00 GMT http://hdl.handle.net/10862/1822. 2011 - 01 - 01 - t00:00:00z 二氧化碳引起的海洋环境变化对海洋生物的影响:对水产养殖的影响。 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/1821 二氧化碳引起的海洋环境变化对海洋生物的影响:对水产养殖的影响。Ishimatsu,atsushi;Kurihara,Haruko Acosta,Belen O。Coloso Relicardo m;de Jesus-Ayson, Evelyn Grace T.;托莱多,Joebert D.世界的海洋正在变暖和酸性。大气二氧化碳浓度从工业预革命的280ppm增加到今天的380ppm以上。第四个IPCC报告预测,到本世纪末的540到近1,000ppm。增加的CO 2 不仅是温暖的表面海水,还通过在海洋表面上扩散并形成碳酸来酸化它(通常被称为海洋酸化)。我们的知识仍然缺乏这些海洋环境变化如何影响海洋生命。 The early studies on the impact of ocean acidification focused on corals aiming to clarify effects of high-CO2 seawater on their calcification processes. However, more recent studies have revealed that in fact ocean acidification, either alone or coupled with warming, could have detrimental impacts on a variety of biological processes in different taxa. We have shown that early development of marine bivalves (oysters and mussels) could be severely disrupted under elevated CO2 conditions (ca. 2,000 ppm). When a marine shrimp was exposed to seawater equilibrated with air containing 1,000 ppm CO2 for 30 weeks, survival was only 55% as compared with 90% in the control. Gonad maturation of a sea urchin was delayed by one month under the same CO2 conditions at ambient temperature, but when accompanied with increased temperature of 2 degree C above ambient, gonad maturation was not only delayed but also significantly suppressed; the number of eggs in the ovary was reduced to only 20% of the control. It has been shown that tropical animals already live near their thermal tolerant maxima, and therefore even small increases of environmental temperature could reduce their environmental fitness. These recent findings bear significant implication in aquaculture and fisheries production, in particular, in tropical countries. This paper will summarize recent data on these topics and discuss possible adaptation measures. 星期六,2011年1月1日00:00:00 GMT http://hdl.handle.net/10862/1821 2011 - 01 - 01 - t00:00:00z