菲律宾beplaySeafdec / AQD开发银行(DBP) http://hdl.handle.net/10862/5883. 2021-07-21T07:19:54Z Panabo Marutulture Park(Davao del Norte),Tagabuli Bay和Malalag Bay(Davao del Sur)的调查与评估 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/5890. Panabo Maruculture Park(Davao del Norte),菲律宾(Davao del Norte),菲律宾发展银行(Davao del Norte)的调查和评估菲律宾(DBP)开发银行致力于旨在可持续养殖投资计划(SMIP)的融资计划为海水养殖公园设立,开发,运营和维护提供信贷和支持设施,包括支持服务和行业。由于DBP缺乏在技术上评估包括当地政府单位,私人定位员,渔民农民合作社或协会的项目的可行性的专业知识和经验,请求的DBP和支持业务的经营者,并被授予挪威代理机构的基金发展援助(Norad)在制定工具和模板方面寻求技术援助,这些工具和模板将用于评估和评估前瞻性海水养殖场地和项目。DBP与Taytay Sa Kauswagan Inc.(Tski)合作签订了东南亚渔业开发中心水产养殖部(SeaFdec / AQD):(i)对所选国会议员的技术,社会经济和菲律宾beplay财务评估进行技术,社会经济和财务评估;(ii)在评估潜在网站时制定技术评估工具和模板;(iii)制定融资工具和模块/计划,以资金提出的项目和资金计划或基金采购目的的策略。将开发一个评级系统,集成了各种评估工具测量的所有参数和指示器。评级系统将用于制定评估现有MPS适合进一步发展的适用性的标准,建立新的国会议员以及确定支持设施,服务,机会等。这些标准是制定需要采取支持的策略当前的定位员和投资者,并鼓励投资MP区。 DBP has already developed the SMIP financing facility before Norad’s approval of the Bank’s request for technical assistance. The technical assistance will pave the necessary preparation and program approach of the Bank to carry out financing support to the mariculture industry. The SEAFDEC-TSKI team proposed to undertake surveys in four MPs in Davao: Panabo MP in Davao del Norte; Pantukan MP in Compostela Valley; Samal Island MP in Davao City; and Mati MP in Davao Oriental. However, with information gathered from the survey done in Panabo MP and on mariculture activities in Tagabuli Bay, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Norte and some sites in Malalag Bay, Digos City, Davao del Norte; the team suggested that information gathered from LGUs initiated and managed sites may provide additional information and insights that may not be captured if the surveys are done only on BFAR established and managed MPs. The request to change the survey sites to Tagabuli Bay and adjoining areas in Digos City was endorsed by DBP. This report presents the results of the socioeconomic, techno-environmental and financial assessments done in Panabo MP, Panabo City, Davao del Norte from 27 June to 1 July 2011; and Tagabuli Bay, Sta. Cruz and Malalag Bay, Digos City, Davao del Sur from 7 to 13 August 2011. 2013-07-01T00:00:00Z 麦白笼式文化作业手册 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/5886. 麦白笼式文化手册手册菲希(Chanos Chanos或Bangus)文化是菲律宾最大的鳍鱼水产养殖业,并持续成为一个顶级水产养殖商品,主要是因为它易于文化,并且可以在各种环境中种植。乳鱼在淡水,咸水,海洋,甚至脾血管栖息地茁壮成长。在沿海海水中的夏天海水中的传统文化远离传统文化的大部分生产,乳鱼产量迅速增加。为了提供薄弱的文化行业的一般性,本手册中包含了对育种,孵化生产和幼儿园的简要说明。本手册旨在作为有兴趣冒险进入海洋笼子养殖鱼鱼的人的指导。菲律宾,印度尼西亚和台湾在几个世纪以来,在菲律宾和台湾实施了麦田文化,并一直是几十年的多个机构中的水产养殖研究的重点。由于研究数据和农民经验的信息而导致文化实践的创新已经被行业从业者通过,而这些书籍在最近发表的书籍中被记录在亚洲菲菲水产水产养殖(Liao和Lealo,2010)。最近对水产养殖的快速增长及其可能的环境影响的担忧,以及可能威胁到这一扩大行业的可持续性的风险也是许多会议在水产养殖中开发良好的管理实践的主题。在本手册中起草并纳入了海洋鳍文化中更好管理实践的原则和指导方针。 2013-07-01T00:00:00Z 可持续的海水养殖投资计划(完成报告) http://hdl.handle.net/10862/5889. 可持续的海水养殖投资计划(完成报告) 2013-07-01T00:00:00Z 商业规划和财务管理培训,以支持可持续的海水养殖投资计划 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/5891. 商业规划和财务管理培训支持可持续的养水投资计划,由东南亚渔业开发中心/水产养殖部(SEAFDEC / AQD)与其合作开发的菲律宾开发银行的可持续养殖投资计划(SMIP)菲律宾beplayTaytay Sa Kauswagan,Inc。(Tski)认识到改善人类能力实现其总体目标的重要作用。从质量的管理和饲养的鱼类文化活动的各个方面的培训,孵化场,孵化场,鱼明生产和成长是必不可少的。无论如何与其他企业相似,需要在商业规划和财务管理方面的充分理解和技能来确保水产养殖企业的可持续性。在评估SMIP下确定的选定海水养殖网站时,对市场开发和价值链分析等市场开发和价值链分析等业务规划培训的需求变得明显。评估涉及地点的社会经济和生物技术调查,即:(1)由渔业局和水生 - 区域渔业培训中心(BFAR-RFTC)第11区管理的Panabo海水养殖公园;(2)Brgy。达沃德德尔苏斯市政府监督下的Tagabuli海水养殖区;和(3)BRGY。SINAWILAN海水养殖区,在DVOO DEL SUR的当地政府的监护下。 The assessment noted the important role of small-scale fishfarmers and stakeholders that perform operations in support of the mariculture activities in the selected sites. In spite of the important role of small-scale operators, this sector expressed having inadequate industry information and limited skills to meet requirements in mariculture development activities. In particular, small-scale fishfarmers expressed the need for training on business planning and the possibility of linking them to fund sources because the lack of capital has always been critical constraint among small-scale fishfarmers. Thus, based on the issues and concerns learned from the survey of mariculture stakeholders conducted by SEAFDEC/AQD and TSKI from June to August 2011, a training workshop intended for small-scale mariculture stakeholders was conducted in the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist located in Digos City, Davao del Sur. 2013-07-01T00:00:00Z