小型水产养殖的饲料 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/536. 关于鱼类营养和饲料,蒂格巴恩,伊洛伊洛,菲律宾的全国研讨会研讨会,1-2六月为1994年6月 2021-07-12t22:35:48z 用于白色虾Penaeus indicus局部可用饲料的体外消化率 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/550 适用于局部可用的饲料的白虾Penaeus indicus eSuesbio,Perla;Coloso,Relicardo M。Gumban,Bethany一种测定蛋白质消化率的体外方法,用于在白色虾中的应用。确定了21个局部可用饲料的蛋白质消化率。无含维生素的酪蛋白作为参考蛋白。为了验证体外结果,使用300虾的平均初始重量为0.075g,进行进料实验。将虾喂养含有高(27.6%-33.7%)的试验成分,低(4.0%-10.5%)的试验成分61天的异常和异蜂理饮食。海水温度范围为26至29°C,盐度为30至33 ppt。脱脂大豆餐(27.2%的消化率)用作对照。确定生长和生存率。 Animal proteins (40.9%-90.9%) were more digestible than plant proteins (0.0%-33.7%), although digestibility of papaya leaf meal (33.7%) was comparable with those of shrimp head meal (40.9%) and Peruvian fish meal (40.7%). Green mungbean meal was most digestible (27.6%) among the legumes. Protein digestibility of defatted soybean meal (27.2%) was significantly higher than that of unprocessed soybean meal (9.4%). Black cowpea meal and ricebean meal were not digestible. Results also showed that white shrimps given a diet containing cassava leaves performed best with weight gain, specific growth rate, and survival (706.4%, 3.44 and 49%) comparable with white cowpea meal (701.3%, 3.35 and 40%) and defatted soybean meal (726.8%,3.50 and 33%), followed by papaya leaf meal (505%, 3.02 and 38%). Shrimps fed a diet containing green mungbean meal showed the poorest response (344.2%, 2.46 and 18%). These results indicate that in vitro protein digestibility is not correlated with growth and survival. The amino acid pattern, anti-nutritional factors, and palatibility of the diets are other important factors that may influence the growth of P. indicus. Abstract only 1996-01-01T00:00:00Z 乳鱼人工饮食的发展(Chanos Chanos)幼虫 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/547. 乳鱼幼鱼人工饲料的研制玛蒂·克拉丽莎;本研究旨在为乳鱼幼虫开发营养均衡且经济有效的人工饲料。配制2种幼虫饲料(饲料A和饲料B),蛋白质含量为45%,脂肪含量为10%。试验了几种幼虫饲料制备技术,并从饲料颗粒大小和浮力、水稳定性和饲料可接受性方面对生产的饲料进行了评估。以k -角叉菜胶为黏结剂,采用鼓式干燥机将幼虫饲料制备成片状,颗粒大小、浮力和水稳定性最佳。随后,研究人员进行了一系列饲养试验,以确定使用这些人工饲料的各种喂养方案饲养的乳鱼幼虫的生长和存活情况。人工饲料分别单独饲喂或与活饲料混合饲喂。对照处理的幼虫以腕足虫和蒿等活饲料饲养。幼虫摄食结果表明,该饲料具有适宜的物理特性,对幼虫具有吸引力。综合试验结果表明,乳鱼幼虫可在第8天开始与轮虫臂尾轮虫联合饲喂,也可在第15天开始单独饲喂。 These promising results would reduce dependence of milkfish larvae on live foods and would have significant economic benefits in the form of simplified milkfish hatchery procedures. Abstract only 1996-01-01T00:00:00Z 缺氧对黑虎虾虾仁甲虫玉米氏菌作用的初步研究 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/543. 缺氧对斑节对虾类胡萝卜素代谢影响的初步研究Leano旁边;雷耶斯,过;斑节对虾的色素沉着是由于虾青素,虾青素单酯和虾青素二酯。这些类胡萝卜素是由-胡萝卜素或玉米黄质生物合成的。生物合成被认为是由酶C3和C4单加氧酶和胡萝卜素-4-醇脱氢酶介导的。蓝虾综合征的特征是虾表皮中总虾青素水平低,与类胡萝卜素营养缺乏有关,但其他因素,如高有机物、缺氧、高密度和高pH值也可能涉及。本研究从类胡萝卜素的保留和转化以及C3、C4单加氧酶和胡萝卜素-4-醇脱氢酶活性等方面研究了缺氧对斑节藤类胡萝卜素代谢的影响。研究人员准备了两个水箱,每个水箱里有25只虾,这些虾被喂食了两周的对照饲料(不含任何类胡萝卜素)。在接下来的两周内,一个水箱(处理1)的虾被喂食-胡萝卜素补充饲粮(3.8 ppm),而另一个水箱(处理2)的虾被喂食对照组饲粮。加入试验饲粮2天后,两组均进行低氧(溶解氧,2.5-2.7 mg/L)刺激,随后监测粪便中类胡萝卜素含量和形态。 Assay of enzyme activity was performed five days after hypoxia challenge. Results showed a ten-fold increase in fecal total carotenoid content of shrimps in treatment 2 (122.2 ppm) compared with that in treatment 1 (12.4 ppm) on hypoxia challenge and restores to basal level (3.9-4.1 ppm) after three days. The carotenoids found in the feces of shrimps in treatment 2 were astaxanthin, astaxanthin monoester, astaxanthin diesters, and an unidentified carotenoid which was also found in the muscle of stressed shrimp. Using beta-carotene as substrate, conversion to astaxanthin was not observed in the hepatopancreas homogenates of shrimps in both treatments. Instead, a slow conversion of astaxanthin to betacarotene (i.e., a reverse reaction) was noted in treatment 2 exhibiting twice the activity in treatment 1. Radiolabelling studies using 14C-labelled astaxanthin as substrate confirmed the existence of this enzyme-mediated reductive pathway from astaxanthin which occurs at a very slow rate. This study demonstrated the carotenoid-depleting effect of hypoxia on shrimp, both through enhanced fecal release and moderately elevated reductive pathway from astaxanthin. This effect suggests a possible mechanism by which blue-shrimp syndrome may develop. Abstract only 1996-01-01T00:00:00Z 用于廉价和消灭成分的涂抹用于蛋绒鲈鱼的实用饲料(Lates Calcarifer Bloch) http://hdl.handle.net/10862/551. 筛选用于廉价和植入成分的廉价和植入成分,用于蛋绒鲈鱼(Lates Calcarifer Bloch)Coloso,Relicardo M。霍洛提托,何塞罗伊;Murillo,Deograce在500-1颗玻璃玻璃罐中进行了少年海贝斯(约15g)的八周的喂养实验,以筛选最具成本效益的实用饮食,用于池塘和浮动笼。测试11种制剂和一个对照饲料。使用的蛋白质来源是局部可用的成分,如鱼粉,虾头膳食,废鱿鱼粉,牛血粉,家禽羽毛餐,叶粉,大豆餐和绿豆粉。饮食含有动物和植物蛋白质来源的组合,使得必需的氨基酸组合物接近要求或组织水平。粗蛋白和脂肪水平分别为约42%和8.3%。鱼在0800和1600小时内每天两次喂养自由度。在鱼类膳食,虾头膳食,废水鱿鱼膳食,大豆粉和康康叶粉作为蛋白质来源的情况下,在鱼中观察到最佳体重增加(FCR,1.7)和饲料转化率(FCR,1.7)。接下来是那些给予鱼粉,虾头膳食,废水粉,大豆餐和IPIL-IMIL叶粉的组合(139%的重量增益,FCR为2.2)。 Worst growth (22%) and FCR were observed in fish given a combination of fish meal, cow's blood meal, scrap squid meal, soybean meal, and mulberry leaf meal. Control fish given a combination of fish meal, shrimp meal, and soybean meal showed weight gain of 195% and FCR of 1.8. Survival was high (83-100%) in all treatments. The two diets which gave the best growth rates, survival, and FCR in the screening phase can be tried in ponds and floating net cages. Abstract only 1996-01-01T00:00:00Z