咸麻布林格罗夫地区水生动物可持续生产系统 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3329 JIRCAS国际协同研究第2次研讨会的诉讼程序 2021-07-21T05:35:46Z Mangrove Zooplankton Matang Comgrove河道:与环境参数有关的时空丰度的初步评估 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/6093. 马格罗夫佐格兰斯坦兰顿河口河口:对环境参数的时空丰富的初步评价崇谨,崇拜;ooi,艾琳;咀嚼,李李;Ogawa,Yasuki Ogawa,Yasuki;Ogata Hiroshi y;Maeno,日本;《下田,渡边;Fujioka主管Yoshimi;Fukuda, Yutaka An on-going zooplankton study in the Matang mangrove swamp beginning April 2002 has shown that zooplankton wet biomasses determined over 5 months were relatively higher inside the mangrove swamp (1.17± 0.35 g m-3) than in adjacent offshore waters (0.87 ± 0.55 g m-3). Total zooplankton densities ranged from 1.2 x 104 - 5.82 x 104 individuals per m3 inside the swamp, whereas in offshore waters zooplankton densities ranged from 1.03 x 104 - 2.83 x 104 individuals per m3. Crustaceans, dominated by copepods and cirripede larvae, constituted more than 70%, followed by polychaetes and chaetognaths. Fish larvae made up less than 0.5% of the total densities. Preliminary PCA of 50 zooplankton taxa suggests that the swamp taxa but not (so much) the offshore taxa differed spatio-temporally, and that more fish larvae and young copepods were caught inside the swamp. The larval fish density (surface hauls) ranged from 12-669 individuals per 100 m-3 inside the swamp, whereas in offshore waters it ranged from 21-290 individuals per 100 m-3. The major families of fish larvae were Engraulididae (ca. 60%) and Gobiidae (ca. 30%). Engraulid larvae were ubiquitous in distribution occurring from swamp to 14 km offshore, while gobiid larvae were more restricted to the swamp. Other families identified included the Scatophagidae, Ambassidae, Blennidae, Sciaenidae, Cynoglossidae, Scorpaenidae, Carangidae and Syngnathidae. Preliminary CCA suggests that salinity, turbidity and zooplankton size and abundance may be important factors regulating the distribution and abundance of fish larvae. However, its interpretation is cautioned due to the limited data. A larger data set is needed to correlate larval fish abundance with the environmental factors. 2003-01-01T00:00:00Z 红树鱼类中脂肪酸组成的显着特征 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/6096. 红树鱼类牡蛎中脂肪酸组成的显着特征,Hiroshi Y.Emata,Arnil C.;Garibay,Esteban S. Ogawa,Yasuki;Ogata Hiroshi y;Maeno,日本;《下田,渡边;Fujioka主管Yoshimi;福田,yutaka脂肪酸组成中的几种红树林和商业物种,红树林红鲷鱼,兔子,麦鱼和条纹千斤顶,在中部菲律宾采样,特别是对花生素酸(AA)和eicosapentaeno酸(EPA)的特殊参考。与整体特征一样,与高温和温度北半球的物种相比,红树林物种具有中间体或高AA和DOCO-六烯酸(DHA)水平和低EPA水平,因此具有高AA / EPA比率。目前的结果表明,在热带/红树林种类中,AA可能比在冷/凉水种类中营养更重要。 The information of the present study can be used as a guideline for development of appropriate artificial diets for broodstock and/or larvae in mangrove areas. 2003-01-01T00:00:00Z 红树林红鲷鱼的生殖性能,德国·阿根廷,喂养亲属饮食 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/6095. 红树林红鲷鱼的生殖性能,德国·阿根廷,喂养亲虾饮食Emata,arnil c;Borlongan,Idda g .;Garibay,Esteban S。Ogata,Hiroshi Y.Ogawa,Yasuki;Ogata Hiroshi y;Maeno,日本;《下田,渡边;Fujioka主管Yoshimi;Fukuda,yutaka for Mangrove红鲷鱼,没有关于Broodstock Nutrition关于生殖性能的效果的信息。因此,本文是一种初步的研究,用于制作红树林红鲷鱼的亲属饮食,以确保一致地生产最高质量的鸡蛋和幼虫,以支持孵化场中的薯条的批量生产。 2003-01-01T00:00:00Z John's Snapper Lutjanus Johni和Duskytail Gouper Epinephelus Bleekeri的迁移,生长和喂养习惯在Merbok Mangrove Brackish河 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/6090. 小川咸水河Merbok红树林中johnii鲷鱼和bleekeri斑石斑鱼的洄游、生长和食性;Ogata Hiroshi y;Maeno,日本;《下田,渡边;Fujioka主管Yoshimi;本研究的目的是估计约翰鲷和黑尾石斑鱼在总长度上的迁徙和种群增长,并观察在胃中发现的食物生物体。2001年10月至2002年9月,在日本吉大的梅博克红树林咸水河,每月都捕获了约翰鲷鱼和黑尾石斑鱼。共采集了1308条约翰鲷幼鱼,长度61 ~ 238 mm。 2003-01-01T00:00:00Z