泥蟹水产养殖和渔业管理国际研讨会(ISMAF 2013) 泥蟹养殖与渔业管理国际研讨会论文集,2013年4月10 - 12日 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3203 2021 - 07 - 25 - t00:38:27z 2021 - 07 - 25 - t00:38:27z 泥蟹(Scylla)在中国的渔业,培养和研究方面 Wang Gui-Zhong http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3205 2020-06-18T03:23:05Z 2015 - 01 - 01 - t00:00:00z 中国青蟹(Scylla属)的渔业、养殖和研究埃斯特帕;Thampi Sam Raj, Yohannan C.;曼达尔、阿纳普泥蟹仅分布于中国东南部沿海地区。在我国发现的4种Scylla中,paramamosain Scylla为优势种。中国大陆地区年野生捕蟹量为6 ~ 7万mt,养殖最高产量为12万mt,主要养殖品种为paramamosain。增肥(包括喂养未成熟的雌蟹直到它们的卵巢成熟)、多养和单养是常见的做法。耕作是在潮间带和红树林地区的土制池塘和围栏中进行的。用于耕种的种子大多来自野外,只有大约10%来自孵化场。病害的发生和种群差异是我国泥蟹养殖面临的主要问题。 At present, research activities on mud crab that are being undertaken include reproductive biology, hatchery and farming technology. Further research on the prevention of diseases and development of formulated diets (ingredient selection, nutritional requirements, pellet size, shape and stability) are necessary. 2015 - 01 - 01 - t00:00:00z 菲律宾泥蟹行业的现状 Quinitio,Emilia T. http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3207 2020 - 06 - 18岁t03:23:06z 2015 - 01 - 01 - t00:00:00z 菲律宾泥蟹行业的现状,艾米利亚T. Quinitio,Emilia T。埃斯特帕;Thampi Sam Raj, Yohannan C.;Mandal,Anup Mud Crab农业长期以来一直在菲律宾成立。Scylla Serrata,S.Tranquebarica和S. Olivacea是菲律宾发现的常见物种。S. Serrata是螃蟹种植者养殖的优选物种。从水产养殖的泥浆蟹总产量估计为13,720美元,分别为本,价值为77,025,000美元,分别为86,511,000美元,分别为86,511,000美元。螃蟹种子的来源来自野外和近年来,从孵化场虽然小百分比。泥蟹和栖息地损失的过度划分导致落地减少和平均捕获尺寸。为了遏制野生收获,省和市政府与渔业和水生资源的局介绍了禁止收集和销售在原产地外的Crablets(≤3厘米)的条例。 This resulted to increased acceptability of hatchery-reared crabs by crab growers. Basic technologies in all phases of culture (hatchery, nursery and grow-out) have been developed. However, there are still several issues that need to be addressed. In the hatchery phase, one of the major causes of low survival are the Molt Death Syndrome in which zoea 5 has difficulty molting to megalopa and diseases due to bacterial and fungal infection in eggs and larvae. The use of antibiotics as treatment for Vibrio spp. has proven to improve larval survival. However, the use of antibiotics can lead to the development of resistant strains of bacteria and abnormalities that become apparent at the juvenile stage. In the nursery phase, economic losses have been attributed to cannibalism. Providing sufficient food and shelters, reducing stocking density, size grading and removal or trimming of claws are the common strategies used to mitigate the high level of cannibalism. Recent findings showed that incorporating tryptophan in the diet can reduce the aggressive behavior of crabs. In the grow-out phase, culture of juvenile crabs to market size with one or two more commodities in earthen brackishwater ponds is the most prevalent practice. Due to the cannibalistic nature of mud crab, polyculture (usually with milkfish and shrimp) pond is carried out. Stocking density of each commodity varies with the size and the number of seed stock available and the abundance of natural food growth in the pond. Culture period ranges from 4-5 months. Monoculture of crabs is usually done for short term culture as in fattening in various systems. Mud crab culture is also integrated with the existing mangroves. Formulated diets have been verified in commercial grow-out ponds and showed promising results. Mud crabs are commonly fed with low value fish, molluscs and other unprocessed natural foods. Mortality in mud crabs in grow-out phase is oftentimes due to the white spot syndrome virus. The domestication of S. serrata has been done at SEAFDEC/AQD. The duration from spawning of the base population to F1 broodstock size was 10-14 months and from F1 to F2 was 11-12 months. Selective breeding of S. serrata is currently being done. The results serve as guide to understand and eliminate the obstacles to broodstock management and seed production. Recently, The Department of Science and Technology has funded the National Mud Crab Science and Technology Program being implemented by SEAFDEC/AQD and University of the Philippines Visayas to refine the existing technologies in all phases of culture and to aggressively promote the establishment of several mud crab hatcheries and nurseries in the Philippines. The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources is also implementing the Philippine National Aquasilviculture Program, which includes the rehabilitation of mangrove forests and culture of commercially important aquatic animals including mud crab in established mangrove areas. On-site training on all phases of culture of mud crab has also been done by SEAFDEC/AQD not only in the Philippines but also in other countries like Brunei, Myanmar, India and Timor Leste. With the establishment of several hatcheries and nurseries, there will be sufficient seed stock supply for farming, thereby decreasing the dependence on wild stock. 2015 - 01 - 01 - t00:00:00z 泥蟹Scylla Tranquebarica的生殖生物学在拉纳吉里海岸,印度马哈拉施特拉 奈克,苏雷什D。 Sonawane,S. S. 帕瓦尔,a S。 Hotekar, Shrikrishna Pandurang http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3211 2020 - 06 - 18岁t03:23:06z 2015 - 01 - 01 - t00:00:00z 印度马哈拉施特拉邦Ratnagiri海岸发现的青蟹Scylla tranquebarica繁殖生物学Sonawane s s;帕瓦尔,a s;霍特卡尔,施里克里希纳·潘杜朗·奎尼索,艾米利亚·T.;埃斯特帕;Thampi Sam Raj, Yohannan C.;这项研究是为了确定土蟹Scylla tranquebarica的繁殖生物学特性,以便为种子生产活动提供有用的基线信息。在11厘米甲壳宽的雄蟹和10厘米甲壳宽的雌蟹中观察到初生成熟时的大小。雄蟹和雌蟹的GSI值分别为6.17和5.12。雌蚊产卵最多可达500万只。 The egg diameter ranged from 0.69 to 0.76 mm at the heartbeat stage. Embryonic development was classified into five major stages: blastula, gastrula, nauplius pigmentation and heartbeat. The color of newly spawned eggs was orange. As the embryo developed, the color changed from orange to brown and finally to black prior to hatching. The incubation period was 11-13 days and the hatching success was 80%. The temperature and salinity during the incubation period ranged from 27 to 30°C and 30 to 35 ppt, respectively. 2015 - 01 - 01 - t00:00:00z 水泥池塘Scylla Serrata(Forskal)的文化 Kotiya, a S。 Solanki, j·B。 Akolkar,N.G。 http://hdl.handle.net/10862/3215 2020 - 06 - 18岁t03:23:06z 2015 - 01 - 01 - t00:00:00z 水泥池培养锯缘锡拉(Forskal)Solanki, j·b·;Akolkar, N. G. Quinitio, Emilia T.;埃斯特帕;Thampi Sam Raj, Yohannan C.;Mandal、Anup雄性和雌性Scylla serrata幼蟹分别饲养在水泥池塘(14 × 8 × 0.8 m;90立方米),饲养90天。这项研究是在渔业研究站JAU进行的。Okha,古吉拉特邦。试验1的雄蟹和雌蟹存活率分别为66.11%和45.55%,高于试验2的13.9%和6.1%。 The mean body weights of males (1,704 g) and females (994.5g) in Run 1 were higher compared to those in Run 2 (381.2 g for males and 104.5 g for females). However, there were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the average daily weight gain of 0.19 g day-1 for males and 0.13 g day-1 for females in Run 1 and 0.16 g day-1 for males and 0.13 g day-1 for females in Run 2. The water parameter levels were within the optimum ranges for mud crab culture. The results indicate that it is not commercially viable to grow juveniles to market size in cement ponds based on the conditions in this study. 2015 - 01 - 01 - t00:00:00z